A Boke of Gode Cookery Presents

Poached Pears in Red Wine

PERIOD: Modern | SOURCE: Contemporary Recipe | CLASS: Not Authentic

DESCRIPTION: Pears simmered in wine & spices

  • 4 pears, peeled
  • 1 cup water
  • 1/4 cup dry red wine
  • peel of 1/4 lemon
  • 1 whole clove
  • 1/2 cinnamon stick
Place all ingredients in a medium saucepan. Simmer, covered, until the pears are al dente (tender-crisp). Remove the fruit & separate into serving dishes; pour syrup over.

Serve hot or cold.

Metric, Celsius, & Gas Mark Equivalencies

A Boke of Gode CookeryModern Recipes for Beginners

Poached Pears in Red Wine © James L. Matterer

Modern Recipes for Beginners

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