A Boke of Gode Cookery Presents

To bake pigeons in short paest as you make to your baken apples

PERIOD: England, 1545 | SOURCE: A Propre new booke of Cokery | CLASS: Authentic

DESCRIPTION: A recipe for pigeon pie, using the pastry from the receipt To make pies of grene apples

To bake pigeons in short paest as you make to your baken apples.

Season your pigeons with peper / saffron / cloves and mace / with vergis and salt / then put them into your paest and so close them vp / and bake them / these will bake in halfe an houre / then take them forth / and if ye thynke them drye take a litle vergis and butter and put to them and so serue them.

To bake pigeons in short pastry as you make for your baked apples.

Season your pigeons with pepper / saffron / cloves and mace / with verjuice and salt / then put them into your pastry and so close them up / and bake them / these will bake in half an hour / then take them forth / and if you think them dry take a little verjuice and butter and put to them and so serve them.

This recipe uses the same pastry as in the previous two receipts.

See: To make pies of grene apples


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© 1997 - 2003 James L. Matterer