A Boke of Gode Cookery Presents

Boor in Brasey

PERIOD: England, 15th century | SOURCE: Arundel MS 334 | CLASS: Authentic



Take the ribbes of a boor while thai byn fresh, and parboyl hem tyl thai byn half sothen; then take and roste hom, and when thai byn rosted, take and chop hom, and do hom in a pot, and do therto gode fresshe brothe of beef and wyn, and put therto clowes, maces and pynes, and raisynges of corance, and pouder of pepur; and take onyons and mynce hom grete, do hom in a panne with fresh grees, and fry hom, and do hom in the potte, and let hit wel sethe al togedur; and take brede stepet in brothe, and drawe hit up and do therto, and colour hit with saunders and saffron; and in the settynge doun put therto a lytel vynegur, medelet with pouder of canell; and than take other braune, and cut smal leches of two ynches of length, and cast into the pot, and dresse up the tone with the tother, and serve hit forthe.

- Austin, Thomas. Two Fifteenth-Century Cookery-Books. Harleian MS. 279 & Harl. MS. 4016, with extracts from Ashmole MS. 1429, Laud MS. 553, & Douce MS 55. London: for The Early English Text Society by N. Trübner & Co., 1888.


  • 1 pound pork steak
  • 1 pound ground pork
  • 3 C beef stock
  • 1 C dry red wine
  • 1/2 C wine vinegar
  • 1 C white bread crumbs
  • 1/2 C currants
  • 1/2 C pine nuts
  • 2 medium onions
  • 1/2 tsp black pepper
  • 1/4 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/8 tsp each cloves, mace and saffron
  • Salt to taste
  • Butter for sautéing
1. Trim the pork steak and cut it into two-inch strips, and brown the pieces well in a frying pan, over medium heat. Set aside.

2. In a frying pan, over medium heat, brown the ground pork.

3. In a large pot, over medium heat, combine beef stock and wine. Add the ground pork, pine nuts, currants, and all spices except cinnamon. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, and simmer, covered, for fifteen minutes.

4. Cut the onions up in large pieces and, in a frying pan, over medium heat, melt butter and sauté the onions until they are translucent. Stir the onions and the bread crumbs into the pot, and simmer, stirring occasionally, for another ten minutes.

5. Remove from heat, stir in vinegar, cinnamon, and the strips of browned pork steak. Serve in individual bowls.

Serves four to six.


A dish of something-or-other in brewes or in bruette was boiled in a broth or a sauce. This is wild boar in brewes.

I have chosen to use ground pork and pork steak instead of ribs and to brown it rather than parboil it.

I use butter to fry the onions, rather than grease.

I add bread crumbs rather than pre-soaked bread.

I leave out the sandalwood.

Metric, Celsius, & Gas Mark Equivalencies

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