A Boke of Gode Cookery Presents

To pickle Broom buds

PERIOD: England, 17th century | SOURCE: A True Gentlewomans Delight, 1653 | CLASS: Authentic

DESCRIPTION: A recipe for pickled broom plant buds

To pickle Broom buds.

Take as many Broom buds as you please, make linnen bags, and put them in, and tye them close, then make some brine with Water and Salt, and boyle it a little, let it be cold, then put some brine in a deep earthen Pot, and put the bags in it, and lay some weight upon them, let it lye there till it looks black, then shift it again, so you must doe as long as it looks black, you must boil them in a little cauldron, and put them in vinegar a week or two, and then they be fit to eat.

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A Boke of Gode Cookery17th Century English Recipes
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