A Boke of Gode Cookery Presents

Potage without the sight of Herbs

PERIOD: England, 17th century | SOURCE: The English and French Cook, 1674 | CLASS: Authentic

DESCRIPTION: Oatmeal cooked with herbs & flowers

Potage without the sight of Herbs.

Having minced several sorts of sweet Herbs very small, stamp them with your Oatmeal, then strain them through a strainer with some of the broth of the Pot, boil your Herbs and Oatmeal with your Mutton, and some Salt, let your Herbs be Violet-leaves, Strawberry-leaves, Succory, Spinage, Scallions, Parsley and Marry-gold-flowers; having boiled them enough, serve them on Sippets.

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A Boke of Gode Cookery17th Century English Recipes
© 1997 - 2002 James L. Matterer