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Celestial Sun

A sun with a serene face is surrounded by a deep braided border. A beautiful cookie, and the compliment to the Celestial Moon.
(The picture above is of the mold, and not the cookie itself)

Size: L (3 1/4" diameter).

Shape: circle.

1 - $1.00; 6 - $5.00; 12 - $10.00; 50 - $40.00; 100 - $60.00.

S & H: $10.00 for every 50 cookies.

This is a beautiful cookie, with an impressive size. It makes a nice ornament, as well. Its "sister" mold is the Celestial Moon - both designs were originally from the same, large mold and are the perfect compliments to each other.


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Goode Cookys & Gode Cookery are © 1997-2005 James L. Matterer