"He poureth pesen upon the hacches slidre" - The Legend of Cleopatra

71 Perry of pesoun. Take pesoun and seth hem fast, and couere hem, til thei berst; thenne take hem vp and cole hem thurgh a cloth. Take oynouns and mynce hem, and seeth hem in the same sewe, and oile therwith; cast therto sugar, salt and safroun, and seeth hem wel therafter, and serue hem forth.

- Forme of Cury

Peas were eaten in a number of ways: boiled, mashed, in soups, pottages, etc. But they also served a purpose other than edible - slippery peas were poured ("poureth pesen") onto the decks of ships in times of battle, to cause advancing sailors to slide & fall.

Bring to a boil the onions & peas; add the remaining ingredients and return to boil. Reduce heat slightly and cook until the vegetables are tender. Drain & serve. Dress with a little extra olive oil if desired.

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© James L. Matterer

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Book II. A Chaucerian Feast Part 1 | Part 2

Book I. A Chaucerian Cookery Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3