A Boke of Gode Cookery Presents

Welsh Lamb Pie

PERIOD: Modern | SOURCE: Contemporary Recipe | CLASS: Not Authentic

DESCRIPTION: A very old recipe for a traditional baked dish of lamb & carrots

  • 1 1/2 lb. lamb neck
  • 1 tsp. finely chopped parsley
  • 1 small bunch young carrots
  • pepper and salt
  • pie pastry dough
  • milk
Bone the meat and cut into small pieces, clean and cut carrots into thin rounds, put layer in the bottom of a baking dish, then meat, parsley and pepper and salt. Repeat until all is used; cover with water, 2 inches from top. Roll out the pastry large enough to cover the top of the dish. Cut a small hole in the center of the pastry. Cover the baking dish with the pastry and brush over with milk. Bake two hours in moderate oven.

Boil the bones, one onion, pepper and salt 1 1/2 hours, and when the pie is ready strain and pour into the pie through the hole on top. Serve hot or cold.

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A Boke of Gode CookeryModern Recipes for Beginners

Welsh Lamb Pie © James L. Matterer

Modern Recipes for Beginners

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