Alabama Renaissance Faire: The 2009 Feast
October 17th, 2009

Gode Cookery in Alabama, 2009:
James Matterer & Darell McCormick
Assisted by John Iaria & Chris Solis

Ein deutsches Renaissance-Fest

Recipes inspired by
Daz buoch von guoter spise

The original manuscript is in the university library of Munich and is dated as between 1345 and 1354. It contains 101 recipes & was originally part of a household manual for the Archbishop of Würzburg.

Zuerst (First)

Brot - bread

Butern - butter

Ein condimentelin - onion soup. A soup of beef broth, onions, & herbs.

Zweitens (Second)

Ein spise von bonen - peas with caraway. Peas in a caraway herb broth.

<>Ein morchen mus - carrots in broth. Minced carrots cooked in broth.
<>Ein gut spise - sausages in sauce. German sausage in an herb, egg, & pepper sauce.
<>Daz ist auch gut - bread pudding. A dessert of bread, almond milk, & sugar.

Drittens (Third)

Die Oblate der Königin - The Queen's Wafer.  A diamond of great beauty.

Viertes (Fourth)

Diz heizzet ris von kriechen - wild rice. Wild rice prepared in broth.

Hüenre von kriechen - glazed game hen. Game hen glazed with a fruit & sugar sauce.

Ein gute fülle - apple pudding. Apples roasted with honey & spices.

© 2009 Gode Cookery

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© James L. Matterer

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